Meika Ellis
Seeing the joy in the life’s smallest beauties is something Meika has enjoyed since a child, from snow angels to 5:30am dew soaked spider webs. Now that she’s in law school, Meika still enjoys the small stuff but on a different scale, a nanoscale, in the form of robots.
Prior to entering law school Meika never had a second thought of robots in the law, rather just as curious inanimate creatures. Yet, in his first year Contracts Law course, Prof. Kerr was able to light the fire under Meika’s interest in both the worlds of nanotechnology and robotics. One year following 1L, Prof. Kerr humbly took Meika under his wing as he bestowed his expertise and knowledge in the world of robotics her and guided in her research and completion of her Major paper. The research project looked at how the health care system in Canada should alter its existing liability framework to emerging technologies, specifically nanorobots.
His guidance has helped shaped Meika’s research abilities and given her a new lens with which to perceive key details vital to a worthy paper, or akin. After one more semester, Meika shall put to use the knowledge passed down from Sensei Kerr to inform her work as she articles in a firm focusing on intellectual property, technology and related rights.